Arrested the head of ARRSH Evis Berberi, accused of corruption and money laundering

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The head of the Albanian Road Authority, Evis Berberi, has been arrested by order of SPAK. Media sources say that he was put in handcuffs yesterday evening, as he is accused of corruption and money laundering.

Meanwhile, media sources indicate that he had resigned from the position of the head of ARRSH, a few days ago, although there is still no official communique.

Sources indicate that the head of ARRSH, Evis Berberi is under investigation by SPAK regarding the sale of his company in 2018. It is suspected that it is a fictitious transfer of the company in order for Evis Berberi to avoid a conflict of interest , shortly before he was appointed as an advisor to the Ministry of Infrastructure and Energy.

Meanwhile, about two weeks ago, as part of SPAK’s investigations, a team of the National Bureau of Investigation carried out controls in his apartment, where it was reported in the media that they seized cash, more specifically 13 thousand euros and 3 thousand pounds. as well as his phone was seized.

It is also reported that BKH investigators have seized the phone of Berber’s former partner, Valter Begaj, with whom the head of ARRSH had close financial relations, not only in private positions.

Evis Berberi was head of Procurement at ALBCONTROL in the years 2013-2019 and then also Advisor to the Ministry of Infrastructure and Energy or director of the Energy Efficiency Agency, until June 2021 when he became head of the Albanian Road Authority.

Sale of the company

On September 7, 2018, Evis Berberi buys the company ‘B-VAAL ENG-10’ from Valter Begajt, with license L72205042F, for 100 thousand ALL. The company founded in October 2017 had and still has as object the study, design, supervision and approval of construction objects, etc. A month later, Berber changes the name of the company from ‘B-VAAL ENG-10’ to DAAM.

Berberi is the owner of 100 percent of the company’s capital from September 14, 2018 to January 31, 2019.

On January 31, 2019, Evis Berberi sells 100% of the shares of DAAM shpk to Brunilda Bulit for 500,000 euros. Referring to the quota sale contract, 8 thousand euros were paid outside the notary office by the buyer in favor of Evis Berber, while the rest would be paid in installments against the value of 100 thousand euros for each year.

For 2019, Evis Berberi has sent two asset declarations to ILDKPKI, an initial asset declaration on March 5, 2019, as an advisor to the Ministry of Infrastructure and Energy, as well as the other during the exercise of this public function, submitted to ILDKPKI on June 1, 2020, but reflecting wealth for 2019.

In none of the statements of the rich, the sale of the company DAAM with a value of 500 thousand euros, nor the 8 thousand euros that Brunilda Buli is said to have given in the contract to Evis Berber, is declared.

The comparison of the contract with the two declarations of wealth confirms the consumption of the elements of the act of concealment and fraud with the declaration of impatience by Evis Berberi.

Meanwhile, on December 23, 2021, Brunilda Buli sells the company again to Evis Berber’s “friend”, Valter Begaj, now for 1.7 million euros. But it doesn’t end there. On February 21, 2022, Valter Begajt sells the company DAAM to Ervis Lamit, for about 2 million euros. A month later, Ervis Lami regrets and returns the “DAAM” company to Valter Begaj, now with zero lek.

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