Artan Fuga: We are a people who live in vain, so we take other people’s wives as lovers, other people’s husbands, only to give meaning to life

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Artan Fuga writes that Albanians used to feel either victims or heroes, while now none of these things happen.

Therefore, they give meaning to life with useless things.

“I was thinking in vain!

At the time of totalitarianism, Albanians felt either victims of power, or heroes because they remembered that they were at the center of changing the world, or that they were in a besieged castle, like Skanderbeg’s warriors!

Or both victims and heroes, or sometimes victims and sometimes heroes.

But they were something, life had a meaning.

Funny, dramatic, but that’s how it was.

Now they are nothing. They are not heroes because no one tells them, let’s fight against the whole world like lonely madmen!

But they can’t be victims either, because no one deports them, no one tortures them, no one punishes them for saying this or that.

Go away you idiot say whatever you want – seems like someone tells them all day!

Neither heroes, nor victims. Life becomes meaningless to them because it seems to them that they are vain, vain on the beach, vain in the beer hall, vain in sex, vain in power, vain when accumulating money. Totally useless!

And in order to give meaning to life, some run away like Christopher Columbus, others swear all day long, or praise all day long, making psycho-oral crises, some throw carts in the parliament, some do propaganda by showing hundreds of millions of tourists who have nothing else. nothing but to come to our cities all hot and without trees, with the smell of rotten wine, some kill, steal, some commit corruption because they want adventure, some take other people’s wives as lovers, some other people’s husbands, only to give meaning to their lives!

Some enter the sea by swimming, some shoot the genitals of sexual rivals with pistols, some drive cars at hellish speeds, some commit suicide.

We are looking for the former social statuses that gave us meaning, victims, heroes!

The meaning of current life is missing, immersed in the futility that one day ends, …futility”, he writes.

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