‘Those who lost are the Himariots, whose will was severely corrupted’

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By Ylli Manjani

Everyone, except for Himara. they won.

Rama got rid of Fredi Beleri, violently but got rid of him. Beleri challenged him manfully. He won the elections, although he was violently and lawlessly detained. So, he could not remove it with votes.

He is now free to announce elections there and close the theater of idiotic appointments.

Beleri, albeit at great personal cost, got rid of the abusive power that was thrust upon him badly and very badly. Today he is a European deputy. I do not believe that Ed Rama’s political Albania will have the luxury of continuing to keep a European MP in prison. (What the hell is wrong with me, but I don’t believe it..)

Micotaqis and Rama got rid of each other by virtual clashes. I believe their friendship is over.

GJKKO now has a major cause on the table to close this stupid and very stupid made up to Fredi Beller. It seems that the Constitution and the laws of the Republic were not enough so far to stop a politically fabricated trial!!!

The ones who lost are the Himariotes, whose will was severely corrupted.

Will they manage to express this desecration in the next elections, remains to be seen. But the example they experienced when their will was forcibly stolen was and remains the worst.

I believe that even the Albanians who are still waiting for the Greek letters will not have better days, unfortunately. The politics of their state has its own problems these days…

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