“The father raped the daughter and the organs were destroyed!”/ Pastor Akil Pano shakes the studio

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The show “Albania Live” on Top Channel discussed the topic of early marriages, a new law that has been established in Iraq. Pastor Akil Pano was invited and gave his argument, but in addition, he told a case that shocked the studio of Albania Live.

The pastor supports marriages over 16 years old but also emphasizes the fact that these marriages should be based on human morality. So a person cannot marry a 9-year-old girl because this means that the minor is involved in sexual activity at an early age. The pastor also told a case where a father had raped his 8-year-old child and the expertise revealed that the girl’s genitals and internal organs were destroyed.

“The macabre case of incest and pedophilia in the family where the father had had intimate relations with the 8-year-old girl and the medical report had revealed mutilated and destroyed, the genitals out of function, unprecedented horror. “Is a law that proposes that a girl be married at the age of 9 good for anatomy, health, sexuality, society, and morality?” said the pastor.

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