Bardhi requested an interpellation for Olsi Rama, the prime minister answers: We will wait…

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The Prime Minister, Edi Rama, has reacted to the request for interpellation that the head of the democratic parliamentary group, Gazment Bardhi, made against him in the Parliament, for the accusations he brought against Olsi Rama as being involved in the “Xibraka” cocaine group.

Through a reaction on the “X” social network, Rama writes that he cannot fulfill the request for interpellation, since the fantasies of the deputies about his brother have nothing to do with the positions of the Council of Ministers.

Rama invites Bardhi to host SPAK regarding the accusations he has brought against Olsi Rama.

We recall that yesterday the prime minister’s brother reported Gazment Bardhin to SPAK for a false report, stressing that he has nothing to do with the drug laboratory captured in Xibraka in 2015.


The regulation of the Assembly expressly states that, I quote, “an interpellation is a written request addressed to the prime minister, deputy prime minister or any other member of the government cabinet on the motives, intentions, attitudes of the Council of Ministers, related to important aspects of the activity of theirs”. Noting that the accusations, fabrications, fantasies of a deputy or a group of deputies, related to the family members of the prime minister, deputy prime minister or any other member of the government cabinet, have nothing to do with the motives, intentions, positions of the Council of Ministers, requests for an interpellation by deputy Gazmend B, I find it completely impossible to fulfill it.

Thus, Gazmend B must wait patiently for SPAK to enlighten us about the authenticity of his discovery of the unidentified trafficker, as he patiently waited, for a whole month, for his turn at Blendi Fevziu’s salon to present this discovery of dull, which shows that we are not facing any special emergency except the rush of an ambitious servant to win the confidence of the new master. Plus, all three questions that the author of the disclosure directs to me have nothing to do with any factual reality. They simply stem from the hallucinatory hypothesis on which his discovery is based, for which he was immediately reported to SPAK by my “trafficking” brother.

Moreover, I recall here what is in the hands of SPAK, for anything and for anyone, even more so for my brother, it cannot be in my language and on the other hand, a parliamentary interpellation, where the lies told publicly are questioned about their subject, would recognize to every liar the unheard-of right of demanding an account of his lies, while the elementary rule of this world since man emerged from the cave was socially organized, and that the liar must to give, not to demand an account. So it is nowhere in accordance with the duty, nor with my degree of tolerance towards human inferiority, nor with the minimum level of dignity of the Assembly of legislators of Albania, for me to reduce to the ground the price of the time needed for the great works of small things that I have a duty to follow as the people’s elected leader of the country, to engage in a verbal interaction with a frivolous violator of the law and every good custom of this country, a whistleblower who has just been accused of publicly reporting fake and for what?!

Tamam for the case for which I won a defamation trial, with a guilty verdict for Gazmend B’s old boss, citizen Lulëzim B, as I have won 11 defamation trials (another 10 are in process) for him. other similar features with other diligent servants like this and with his new master himself, another B, far more infamous than the previous B, not coincidentally the only former president and prime minister in the history of of Europe, declared Non Grata by the United States, for major corruption and undermining of democracy.

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