Beleri and Goro in prison, who are the 2 names that can take Himara’s lead

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After the deadlock created in the Himarë Municipality with the two mayors in prison, the one elected by the May 14 elections, Fredi Belerin and Jorgo Goron, the acting mayor arrested a few days ago, sources indicate that the management of the municipality will pass one of the vice presidents.

The Municipal Council is expected to meet on March 29 and decide by vote which of the two vice-presidents, Blerina Bala or Pervin Gjikuria, will lead the Himare municipality until the new elections.

The Socialists have the majority in the municipal council of Himara, 13 votes against 8 of the opposition.

We remind you that the Special Court for Corruption and Organized Crime decided on Tuesday, March 5, to declare the elected mayor of Himara Municipality, Fredi Beleri, guilty of active corruption in the elections, sentencing him to 2 years in prison. The accused as his accomplice, Pandeli Kokaveshi, was sentenced to 1 year and 6 months in prison, a measure that was suspended and placed on probation for three years.

Beleri could not take the oath as the winner of the elections in Himara, due to the non-granting of a special permit by GJKKO.

This caused a stalemate that led to incumbent President Jorgo Goro not stepping down after losing the election.

After receiving Jorgo Goros as a defendant, the municipality will now be led by one of the vice mayors.

Goro was arrested 3 days ago as he is being investigated by SPAK with suspicions that he has misused his office in two cases, alienating two properties in Dhërmi, where the final beneficiary of the land was businessman Artan Gaçi, former PS deputy.

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