Former MP Belind Këlliçi was summoned to SPAK this Thursday, after lawyer Idajet Beqiri filed a report against him for forging a diploma.
Lawyer Ylli Manjani was invited to “Now with Erla Mëhillin” to talk about this, and he said that this is a consequence of the trial based on “rumors”.
He said that even if Këlliçi does not have a diploma, this does not need to be discussed since the law allows him to be without a school.
“What I have been saying for a long time is that moral judgment, or the trial based on rumors. This has unfortunately increased in today’s justice system.
I am taking for granted that Belind Këlliçi’s diploma is fake. So what? To be in politics and become a MP, you do not need to have a diploma. There is no written rule that you have to show that you are educated. “You can be unschooled and the law allows you to be in politics,” said Manjani.