Livestock farmers protest, block traffic in Kardhiq-Delvina

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About 100 livestock farmers have blocked the Kardhiq – Delvina national road. They ask for consideration of their long-standing demands on the problems of the sector related to the prices of livestock products, the lack of subsidies, the limitation of pastures.

Cattle breeders have stated that they are blocking the road in protest, while requesting a meeting with government officials to address their concerns.

“As a sign of protest, we block the road so that everyone can understand. We are people, come and meet us. Do not stay in the luxurious offices that they have furnished with the money that the EU gives for us and have turned them into their offices. Come and meet us, we are people, we live in this country, we give income to this country”, said a protester.

“I have 150 sheep, for which I spent 15 million ALL. Lower prices or make milk 2,000 ALL instead of 3 kilos of milk for 3 kilos of cheese. Baxhoxhiu sells a kilo of cheese for 13,000 lek. If he sells it for 8 thousand ALL, we agree. The other one lives in the mountains and suffers like a dog, and the taunt b…, what is this, We ask the state to take measures for these matters, or the sheep will be sold and we will flee abroad”, said a livestock farmer.

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