Bushati: Who was a Ramist in 2013, turned into a SPAK-ist in 2023

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Analyst Andi Bushati published a part from the show “Çim Peka LIVE” on SYRI TV, where he declares that all those who were with Rama in 2013, now in 2023 have become with SPAK.

“A strange phenomenon is happening here, all the Ramists have turned into Scapists.

Today there is no one who says that Edi Rama did not steal, that Edi Rama did not corrupt McGonigal, Edi Rama did not fight with the incinerators, Edi Rama did not make corrupt concessions.

And because they were left empty handed with this fable, they say that Albanians should now hope that SPAK will make a name for itself,” said Bushati.

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