What does the Albanian Parliament smell like? Açka answers bluntly: Furriku! People come who don’t wash their armpits!

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The next guest on Albana Osman’s “podcast” was the deputy of the Democratic Party, Flutura Açka.

Among the conversations and discussions about private life, politics, clashes between the party, Açka also stopped at the Parliament, more precisely at hygiene.

Asked by Osmani what flavor the Albanian Parliament has, Açka answered “bluntly” and without embellishing it with nice words.

The MP said that many of her colleagues sit in their seats in the Assembly unwashed.

“It’s nice to say, people who wash their armpits also come to the Parliament. He puts on his jacket, he sees them with collars, but he realizes that he doesn’t know the shower.

They are enemies of the razor and the shower”, says Açka, as he further emphasizes that there are other MPs who do not know how to write, even their names can hardly be written.

But among other things, she emphasized that there are other members of parliament whom she is happy to have met.

Albana: What does the Albanian Parliament smell like?

Butterfly Acka: Furriku. Furric. Since furrik has any smell, furrik. I don’t care what it smells like, but since they call it furrik, it smells like furrik. Because look. It is nice to say, people who wash their armpits also come to the Parliament. He puts on his jacket, he sees them with collars, but he realizes that he doesn’t know the shower. They are enemies of the razor and the shower.

Albana: Are you saying figuratively or physically?

Flutura Açaka: No, no, I say exactly that. Even physical. There are enemies of the razor and the shower. I have encountered such. I have also met illiterate people. In the sense that they only write their name.

Albana: How do they write it with spelling mistakes?

Flutura Açka: They barely even write their name, I’m not talking about the speeches that others give them, I’m not talking about people who haven’t read a book, they have big cultural problems.

Albana: What about gossip and small talk?

Flutura Açka: Very much, the mother of rumors is the Parliament.

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