What will happen on June 11 if the seal goes to Berisha? Here’s how Açka answers

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The Court of Appeal on June 11 will examine and give a final decision regarding the issue of the seal of the Democratic Party, clarifying whether it will accept the statutory changes of the Reestablishment of Sali Berisha or leave the seal under the jurisdiction of the official PD of Lulzim Basha .

When we are still 7 days away from this Appeal decision, in the “Debate” studio on A2 CNN, the democratic deputy Flutura Açka clarified what path she will follow politically if the seal goes to Berisha.

Açka initially asserted that he has decided to be a part of the official DP and not to move like many other MPs who joined Reestablishment, as he believes in principles and values.

“Maybe June 11 will be a reason to find a solution. I have no illusions. I have expectations, but I don’t question where the law should go, as I believe in the law. I didn’t stay at PD for specific names. I stood by the principles that I believed in from day one and that I still believe in.”

She further underlined that she will recognize any decision of the Albanian justice in the case of Vula, and if the case goes in favor of Berisha, she will take political responsibility, since according to Ačka, the decision would show that she has followed the wrong path.

“In the event that on June 11, the Party has its own cause and will continue with or without a stamp. The seal is a convention that we establish together, of course in this case it is identity that is very important, but it is not the seal that keeps you. In my personal case, I stayed in this party, I did not go to Sali Berisha because I believed that this is so. It means someone made a mistake in my political account. Then I call it a fault, and if the Albanians think that I didn’t have the right intuition to calculate if I made a mistake. If the seal goes to Sali Berisha, it means that Sali Berisha deserved it, because I believe in Albanian justice and if my approach was wrong then I have the duty to take responsibility. My personal reflection to step back from this thing as I was wrong. I mean, I’m not one to pass things on without responsibility at all.”

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