What forced Basha to sit at the end of the hall in the Assembly? This is how Bardhi answers

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The schedule of deputies in the hall of plenary sessions has changed with the start of the new session this early September. Lulzim Basha will no longer be sitting between Gazment Bardhi and Jorida Tabaku, but alongside Pampuri and Jakupllari.

Asked on the Now show on Euronews Abania about the reasons for this move, Bardhi answered:

“I do not believe that it is a matter of public interest how MPs sit in the assembly hall.

I have the impression that Mr. Basha was not comfortable between me and Mrs. Tabaku, so I made it comfortable for him to sit with a colleague who has some kind of communication.

So, I made it so that deputy Basha probably feels more free and starts coming to the plenary sessions, because I saw him not coming to the plenary sessions because of this embarrassment”.

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