What is the sexiest politician? Here is how Ervin Salianji answers

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Ervin Salianji was interviewed yesterday evening at Top Arena by Alesia Bami.

He was asked about some spicy things, including Lulzim Basha and Sali Berisha.

Excerpt from the interview:

Salianji: I only speak the truth

When you worked in the municipality as a lawyer, did Basha sleep 2 to 6?

Salianji: No, it could have been from 6 to 8

Is this beauty sleep?

Salianji: I don’t know how to say this, I haven’t talked to him to know (laughs)

Elsia Spiropali the sexiest politician?

Salianji: No

Who is the sexiest?

Salianji: Yes, didn’t you tell me?

Ori Nebiaj more ladylike as a member of parliament than as a columnist?

Salianji: I don’t know how to say that. The lady is in both

Better a dinner with a deputy or a moderator?

Salianji: With a moderator

You will do podcasts with Berisha under the name ‘me kast’

Salianji: Yes, you can

Berisha does not see the European?

Salianji: Yes, but I follow Albania

Will you tell us a secret about Berisha that we don’t know?

Salianji: I don’t know the secrets that I have no relationship beyond politics.

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