The PS-Reestablishment agreement, Lita: What Gazment Bardhi won

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Journalist Lavdrim Lita, in an interview for Euronews Albania, spoke about the agreement that was reached yesterday between the majority and the opposition on the establishment of investigative commissions.

He emphasized, among other things, that the commissions on which he disagrees are not for major issues, while he considered them useless commissions.

It was also stopped that the subcommittee that was agreed upon, showing what Gaz Bardhi will gain from this thing.

“It is the return to stability. There is neither revolution, nor civil disobedience, nor technical government, there is simply the reaching of a poor bargain for two commissions of inquiry. The commissions will be made with the regulation of the Assembly approved by a different majority from the DP. Some sessions will be non-public, without the presence of the media.

The members of the Assembly do not have any technical knowledge of how the TIMS system works, they can only understand the inputs and outputs of the TIMS system. The Americans do not offer you any expertise, because they did not mention them as a political subject at all, but they mentioned them as an agreement of deputies who return to work, in their function, which is the parliamentary function. If we look closely at their statements and text, we see that they have not legitimized the re-establishment side and have been careful not to give political guarantees or diplomatic support to these initiatives.

SP will not negotiate under pressure and the fact that they have reduced this deal or bargain to two useless commissions. The subcommittee is an artifice to give some oxygen to Gaz Bardhi’s group and maybe to vote together for amnesty. “said Lita.

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