Fierce debate/ Teliti: Put your finger down, you amazing dog! Lapaj: You burned the reform, the people will punish you!

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The positions on the new Electoral Reform have clashed with the Member of the National Council of the PD Dorian Teliti and the coordinator of the “Albania Becomes” movement, Adriatik Lapaj.

Invited to Open on News 24, Teliti said that during the next week the opposition will come out with its official position regarding the electoral reform.

While Lapaj accused the opposition of burning this reform and that they will be punished for this mistake in next year’s elections, where the opposition is behaving “worse” than “the one in power”.

While the DP member told him that Lapaj’s positions are empty and not to point fingers at him.

Excerpts from the debate:

Teliti: Next week, the opposition will come out with its official position that we will reveal our idea.

Lapaj: Out of the reform deadlines, you burned the reform.

Teliti: Therefore, there is a new mechanism, 3 majorities and 3 oppositions, and we have the opportunity to

Lapaj: The people will punish them. You are not dignified. Remember this, you are behaving worse than the one in power. You are not going against the authorities.

Tellit: Idle chatter. We have not expressed yet. You are amazing!

Lapaj: In the last elections, Edi Rama killed 48% of the votes, as a result of this system. Is wrong!

Tellit: Lower your finger before you speak, lower your voice before you even tag.

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