“Several text messages made our marriage difficult, I saw with my own eyes that Liridona…” – Naim Murseli’s testimony becomes clear: What happened on the day of the crime?

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Naim Murseli, who is in prison after being accused of paying to kill his wife Liridona Ademaj, has told his version of the event.

The media in Kosovo have disclosed the testimony that Naim Murseli gave on December 1 last year.

Murseli admits that on the day the incident happened, he accompanied Granit Plava, the author of the murder that he allegedly ordered. To the same, he has admitted that he gave the money for the purchase of the weapon with which the murder was committed.

“On the critical day, I was in Gjakova for personal work and by chance I met with Granit, where Kushtrimi told him where to meet. We met in Kramovik on the street and he had returned to his workplace and he parked his vehicle at that location at the Eko pump where he worked and continued with me in my Land Rover car with black license plates 07-669-CM , where together we headed towards the Liqeni i Dukagjini restaurant, but on the way the tire of the car was damaged and we continued to find a garage to fix the tire, where near Dujaka we came across a car wash and a village mechanic who helped to fix the tire”, Naim Murseli confessed, Paparaci reports.

“The person who helped us asked Granit Plava if he is interested in weapons and he says ‘yes, I just want to see it first’. And he liked it, but he didn’t have any money with him and he asked me and I gave him 250 euros, the same as the gun cost, from there, after the tire was fixed, my wife calls me and tells me that she arrived in Pristina without my knowledge. I leave towards Pristina together with Granit, but on the way Granit asked me to send him to the village of Kralan where he had to pick up a car. And, separately, we continued to Pristina, where he followed me back to the vicinity of my house, where we got together in cars and told me that I now know what I’m doing”, says Murseli.

As he recounts the moment of the murder, he says that although he knew that the killer was Granit Plava, he did not believe “that Granit would do such actions”.

“Near the house, Granit came out masked on the street with a gun pointed at us. Even though I was aware of his presence, I never really believed that Granit would take action for murder. Shocked, I stopped, raised my hands and told my wife to give her everything she wants, and at one point I opened my door, then the children’s door, telling my wife to get out of the car. When we were a few meters away, I heard a crack but did not see what happened”, he said.

Naim Murseli has claimed that he had a family problem and because of some messages, their marriage was extremely difficult.

“A family problem where some text messages with a relative have come to light. They have sent these SMS to my wife and this has put a lot of strain on our marriage. After this event, the pressure and control on me increased, where I asked for a separation, but my wife categorically refused, and at a party in Malmo, Sweden, my wife took revenge on me by cheating on me with a foreign person there. I have seen this event with my own eyes, but I have not expressed it to him at any time. This event certainly weighed on me and affected our relationship. As a husband, I have fulfilled all her conditions and I wanted her to be happy”.

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