“I would oppose him and he would kick me out of the office” – Adriatik Lapaj tells what would happen if Rama proposed him for minister

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The coordinator of the “Albania Becomes” movement, Adriatik Lapaj, said that if the formula of the political system does not change, the situation in the country will remain the same.

Invited to the show “Open” on News24, Lapaj said that if Rama proposed him as minister, he would oppose it in the first act and he would leave the office.

“If Rama took me there to make me a minister, the first act I would do would be to oppose him and he would kick me out of the office. The problem is with the formula, since the system is closed, whoever is prime minister will work like that. This war is useless, if it is not changed, we will continue like this for another 30 years”, he said.

According to Adriatik Lapaj, the problem of 5 people who have no problem and have been in power for 30 years is imposed on the Albanian citizens.

“There are daily troubles, but the people’s troubles are 5 people in this country, who surprisingly are not even in trouble, they have been in power here for 30 years. But the plight that is being imposed on Albanians in every show is the plight of 5 people who have no problem. People who have neither economic problems nor health problems because of the problem, even when they go to the hospital they don’t lack medicine because of the problem, they are people who have it in balance”, said Lapaj.

Q: What are they doing?

Lapaj: They are making a hole in the water! Regarding the changes in the government, for me it is not a matter of people. In relation to the public, I will tell the truth. I had Mrs. Pirdeni as a professor, I know her well. She is an extraordinary girl and I can’t play politics with people. I don’t know the other gentleman, not knowing him personally I can’t put my finger on him.

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