Dritan Abazovic: SPAK is working well, here’s why it should be supported

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The former Albanian Prime Minister of Montenegro, Dritan Abazovic, said in an interview for the Now show on Euronews Albania that the work being done by the Special Prosecution Office, SPAK in Albania is to be appreciated.

According to him, cleaning the country from organized crime and corrupt politicians often linked to crime is a process that must be completed if the country wants to join the EU.

“I think that what SPAK is doing is very useful for the state of Albania. There have been 2 challenges in Montenegro, to change the law, and the international community has not had understanding for the actions we have taken in the government. Our idea has been to move people who have been in institutions for a long time, collaborating with criminal groups. People from political life have started to be arrested, people who have been in charge of the courts, we currently have the head of the special prosecution in prison, and this has managed to completely change the situation in 2 years. If we want to go to the EU, we have to show results. I think that all the activity of SPAK should be supported, the government should not interfere in the matter, only make it possible to have good personnel, good conditions and cooperation with the police. Montenegro has not yet been cleaned up, we still have many police connected to crime, but this activity should be started. You have also started in this direction and maybe you will finish it faster than us”, said Abazovic.

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