“We want to join Europe, not by boat”, “Free Salianj”, DP deputies start the protest in front of the EP in Strasbourg

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DP MPs start the protest in front of the European Parliament in Strasbourg. These are images from the gathering of democratic deputies in front of the institution, as supporters have also approached. Some of them hold placards in their hands.

MP Dhurata Cupi holds a banner in English that says “We want to join Europe, not by boat”.

The other deputy of the DP, Elda Hoti, was holding a banner “Free the deputy Salianji”!

MPs Gazment Bardhi, Jorida Tabaku, Agron Gjekmarkaj and Albana Vokshi have met with MEPs Mr. Lukas MANDL and Mr. Davor Ivo STIER, representatives of the EPP parliamentary group in the European Parliament.

While other deputies have unfurled banners in front of the European Parliament and will protest for a certain time to draw the attention of Europeans to the situation in Albania, which they describe as the birth of a dictatorial regime.

30 MPs are in Strasbourg to protest in front of the European Parliament, on the same day when the EP meets in plenary session. The imprisonment of Salianji, the non-voting of the SP for the decision of the GJK, the government’s links with crime, corruption are some of the issues discussed in the focus of the meetings of the DP deputies with the MEPs.

The list of PD deputies who are in the EP:

1. Flamur Noka
2. Edi Paloka
3. Edmond Spaho
4. Albana Vokshi
5. Kreshnik Çollaku
6. Asllan Dogjani
7. Isuf Çela
8. Elda Hoti
9. Lindita Metaliaj
10. Tritan Shehu
11. Sorina Koti
12. Kastriot Piroli
13. Tomor Alizoti
14. Dhurata Çupi
15. Qani Xhafa

16. Agron Gjekmarkaj
17. Xhelal Mziu
18. Dashnor Sula
19. Saimir Korreshi
20. Ilda Dhori
21. Ludovik Hasanaj
22. Kasem Mahmutaj
23. Petrit Doda

24. Gazment Bardhi
25. Jorida Tabaku
26. Zheni Gjergji
27. Lefter Gështenja
28. Ramadan Likaj
29. Flamur Hoxha
30. Bledion Nallbati

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