“He sold his son’s blood”, Klodian Rasha’s father returns “a tooth for a tooth” to Shemsi Prenç: Hang me in the middle of the square if I took a cent, I am from Dibra and you know the tradition

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“Do you remember when they rushed to the late Klodian Rrasha, who went to the prime minister with Ulsi Manja, they even sent him a check. They bought his blood with money and forced his father to call on the youth not to protest and politicize it. When a father sells his blood, others have nothing to do because I feel ashamed that he is also a Dibran,” this statement made two weeks ago by Shemsi Prençi has brought a strong reaction from Klodian Rasha’s father.

Invited to the “People” show on Euronews Albania, the father of the late Klodian Rasha responded “tooth for tooth” to Prençi, who accused him of selling his son’s blood.

The young man’s father, with a revolt and anger at Prençi’s accusation, said that no one can slander his family. Emphasizing that he has not received a single cent from anyone, Qazim Rasha said that as a Dibrani, he has accepted all those who knocked on his door for consolation, adding further that the only thing he has asked Prime Minister Rama for was justice for his son.

“I want to express my gratitude to the family of the 14-year-old because only a parent like me knows what a child means, the family also expresses their condolences. This interview was imposed by the harassment that Shemsi Prenci did to me today. With all the consideration that I have as a person, even though we have not met, I have enjoyed respect for a man who has value but to reach a personality, a well-known figure, even more so a Dibrani who knows well the tradition of a Dibrani to slander me and my family or to raise an alibi of the category that he has raised, I will never forgive him, not only him but any species in the world. It has never been heard of a parent discussing and bargaining the issue of his own child.

Tragedy has happened to me. I have welcomed the president, the prime minister, members of the opposition and everyone in turn at home. I have expressed my gratitude to everyone, I have expressed my gratitude as a Dibra, our tradition is that we open the door to the enemy in good times and bad and give them what they deserve. I have welcomed and accompanied all those who have come to drink a coffee for consolation. I have asked the prime minister as I am for my family, I ask for justice if he gives it to me, it will ease my pain, not take away my pain.

I have asked him since the first day. Not because I have asked him to stop the protests. Because I am ready to protest for everyone who is in such pain. All these alibis that are created are staged and I do not know what their purpose is, but they are so low, only a low person can imagine and mention to me the sale of my son’s blood and the check. I know the forms how I welcomed them, how I am accountable to whom. “Let him prove if I have received even one more cent, and I agree to hang myself in the middle of the square. This is a very low gesture,” said Qazim Rasha.

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