“Edvin, this is the path of hope, but Surreli’s is the path of shame” – Berisha speaks to supporters from the balcony: Young people, get up, leave the auditoriums and fill the streets and squares because…

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The former Prime Minister Sali Berisha, has again come out on the balcony of his apartment where he is under house arrest and addressed his supporters with a speech who have gathered for the seventh night in a row below his apartment.

He started his speech by sending a message to Prime Minister Edi Rama, telling him that the road under the balcony is the road of hope, of free people and brave people, but that of Surreli is of theft, a dead end road.

Berisha called on the young people in the country to leave the auditoriums and get up and fill the squares to overthrow this regime and save the country.

Berisha: I thank you from the bottom of my heart for your presence, I salute you and the wonderful speakers for their words.

But let me send a message from the street under the balcony to Edvin Kristaq Rama.

Edwin, this road under the balcony is the road of hope.

This street under the balcony is the street of free people.

This road under the balcony is the road of brave people.

Indeed, this is the path of freedom.

But Surreli’s road is the road to Pëllumb Gjoka, to McGonigall, to Bajre, to your Gjush.

Edvin, Surrel’s road is the road of shame, the road of theft, the road of crime, the road without a future, a dead salary, the road without an end.

I listened with great pleasure to the speeches of the young people, of the professors, I am extremely touched and inspired.

Today more than ever, after 32 years, time, Albania requires the word of the new generation.

It requires the courage of this generation, it requires the vision of this generation, it requires its power.

If 32 years ago, a generation of young people faced with epic courage the communist dictatorship and dragged it through the streets of Tirana, we must not forget that the evil over the years, the evil these last 10 years, took again, lost stature and took another form.

Again this evil caused all the powers to be concentrated, robbed, collected in the hands of one person.

Again this evil caused the opposition to become a fiction.

But this evil, my friends, let us never forget that time will never forget.

This evil was brought to the Albanian youth as the greatest evil, as the most ferocious conqueror that this youth has known in all times.

Please, young men and women, find and read the memorandum of the worst doctrinal enemy of the Albanian nation, Vaso Čubrillović. Read how this enemy of our being laid out the platform of emptying Albania, the platform of extinguishing the Albanian nation by expelling Albanians from Albania.

Čubrilović inspired the Yugoslav Serb nationalist regimes to expel hundreds of thousands of Albanians from their lands.

But, more than Čubrilović, more than Pashiqi, more than any regime, Albanians were driven from their hearths by the evil called Edi Rama.

Today, in 8 years, Albania sheds tears, Albania mourns over 500 thousand young Albanians who left their country, who abandoned their classes, abandoned their families. They took the roads of the world only to find that an evil that concentrated all power in his hands, killed their hope like a couch.

It killed hope in every corner, in every school, in every university, in every work center and everywhere.

Is this not enough to declare Edi Rama as the worst enemy of the Albanian being?

Is this not enough to declare Edi Rama as the greatest national evil?

Then, in the face of this, isn’t it the honor, the duty, the mission of the young Albanians to stand up like lions against this evil to save themselves, to save this country that he is destroying with a more destructive program than any other invader .

Dear friends, dear high school students, dear students, dear lecturers and teachers.

With each passing day, we diminish. Every day, submission humiliates us more and more.

Today, more than half of those who graduate from high school are excluded from the average to enter universities.

They have no other alternative but to leave Albania.

Today, schools, gymnasiums, have not made progress, but have suffered the greatest decline than in any other country in the world in the 8 years of this evil called Edi Rama.

Dear teachers, dear high school students, doesn’t the plummeting quality of our education in 8 years sound an alarm bell?

Students, today more than ever, the time is calling for you to get up, leave the auditoriums, fill the streets and squares because if your universities didn’t get up today, in 10 years they won’t have any more students.

Because your teachers will leave one by one and their place will be taken by traffickers, criminals, militants and ignorant people.

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