Evi Kokalari attacks Bleona Qereti: What does she offer to Richard Grenelli?

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The activist Evi Kokalari has attacked the singer Bleona Qereti.

She has raised many questions in relation to the relations of the political diplomat, Richard Grenell, with the Albanian singer Bleona Qereti.

Kokalar status:

If you enter the words ‘Bleona nude pics’ on the Internet, you will be scandalized beyond any norm.

Until a few years ago, she worked as a singer/dancer in the CABARET of the Faena hotel in Miami. And seriously, personally, I’ve never heard her sing ‘live’ and as far as I understand she can’t sing because she’s fatally out of tune.

She presents herself as a ‘diva’ and the Albanian Madonna, but she does not conclude that.

While he opens embarrassing rumors for others, such as that Alketa Vejsiu and Edi Rama have been together for a long time and that Edi Rama wanted to let his wife marry him, or that Xhensila (a singer) was the girlfriend of an ex- The Albanian president also admits that he slept with former presidents and former ministers of Albania and Kosovo.

From time to time, she has participated as a regular singer in the birthday celebrations of some sheikhs in the Middle East, but also as a super corrupt oligarch as the son-in-law of the former president of Kazakhstan, with whom she had an affair when he was married to Nazarbayev’s daughter, and later left the fish to her brother to keep her busy.

Once, after he asked me to go to a program he was doing at Klani, he dragged me into Fejvzi’s studio half-naked. Imagine flirting with Blendi Fejvziu!!! That was the last time I let myself be exposed to him in public.

She presents every role as an extra in films as a successful cinematic achievement. Meanwhile, you don’t understand that having a ten-minute role does not make you an artist or famous, especially when it comes to third-rate films. Meanwhile, for over ten years he has been telling everyone that he is making an album…but there is no album. The latter should normally be her career as a singer, but she is not.

In conclusion, from where you want to see him, he concludes that he is a far from clean figure, with questionable income, and recognition that raises many questions.

I wrote these above because I have a question that I still can’t find an answer to:

What connects Richard Grenell with such a suspicious and ordinary figure, and why is Grenell in Tirana meeting the corrupt businessman through this?

How can you go from a character of a presidential campaign and a potential candidate for Secretary of State, to a routine where you are introduced to the corrupt oligarchic business through an individual who could very well be a ‘Call Girl’?

I would have asked the question to Grenell himself, but I know that you will not take seriously what I am saying above, because in the first place, you would not believe them as true – but the Albanian public knows this character well and I know my credibility. The fact is that what I write is based on everything she told me herself. Personally, I had a lot of doubts about her, but also an attraction from the beginning, because her aggressiveness to fix her reputation and social position by exploiting individuals like me and my acquaintances, turned her into a strange and scary monster. Other Albanians in the diaspora have had this experience, even an old friend told me to stay away from them.

The fact remains that together with one Eduart Dedaj, they gave a decoration to Grenell, in the name of… themselves!!

While the decoration had no meaning or value, Grenelli was misquoting it as if it was the Albanian diaspora who was giving it to him, and I tried to explain to him that this is not the diaspora, but an organization that is trying to make money by bringing some singers from Tirana.

Anyway, Andi Bushati was the only one who commented on this decoration and it fell on his head. What I should have said at that time was that I tried to avoid this decoration, precisely for the reasons that Andi Bushati explains in his video. Even more delicately, I told Eduart Dedaj (whom I didn’t know at all, but I thought especially as a northerner he would understand what I said about Kosovo), that Grenell helps the Serbs a lot and has endlessly attacked the Albanians of Kosovo, and he can’t we do not give any decorations as Albanians.

Eduart the “patriot” through the cabaret woman, who needed Grenell in her arms to raise her reputation, went and told Grenell that “Evi says you work for the Serbs”. Not that I haven’t told him bluntly many times, but when it comes from someone who claims to speak on behalf of the diaspora, things look different.

Because, as a Republican who is still involved with the Trump campaign, and moreover as a New York state delegate, which means – I have the right to vote on election day, it is impossible for me not to raise questions about the involvement of Richard Grenell with a figure as dark as this Hollywood ‘artist’.

As for Serbia, it is now true that Grenell depended on Vucic for the approval of the two buildings that Jared & Ivanka took in Belgrade. The price of the towers and the acquired land is somewhere around $150 million, so clearly, Grenell will become a bridge for Vucic.

The misfortune remains for us who have defended him endlessly and naively never thought that individuals next to Trump would be so corrupt.

If anyone has an answer about Grenell’s connections with this chick’s business, please tell me. It is an answer that I need to explain to this campaign what is happening in Albania with their affairs.

In conclusion, let me tell you one thing: Richard Grenell is fearlessly Charles McGonigal on steroids. While Jared & Ivanka are Hunter Biden on steroids. In fact, Hunter’s corruption is nothing compared to our side. These pass every goal and Hunter Biden is an amateur in front of them.


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