Fier/The ambulance driver loses control of the vehicle, is injured along with the nurse

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A 34-year-old man in Fier has been criminally prosecuted because while driving the ambulance, he lost control of the vehicle and went off the road.

Through a notification, the Police informs that he himself and a nurse who was inside the ambulance were injured in the incident.

Police Notification:

Fier – Specialists of the Road Circulation Sector of DVP Fier referred the materials to the Prosecutor’s Office, where the proceedings began in free status for the citizen E. T., 34 years old, resident of Fier, after on 07.01.2024, on the “Lushnjë-Fier” road axis, in the village of Vajkan, while driving the ambulance, lost control of the vehicle and as a result went off the road.

As a result of this exit from the road, the driver of the ambulance and the nurse, citizen A. Ç., 33 years old, were injured, who are in the hospital, under the care of doctors.

The materials were passed to the Prosecution at the Court of First Instance of Fier General Jurisdiction, for further procedural actions.

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