Rama speaks for the first time: Here are the two protests that “scared” me during the 12 years in government

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During a conversation on his ‘Podcast’, Prime Minister Edi Rama said that in Albania there were only two civil protests that gathered many people.

He singled out the protest against ‘chemical weapons’ and that of ‘students’, as he said about the latter that it gathered people in minutes and that the element that singled it out was “taking out” politics. According to Rama, the other protests are just party organizations.

“Albania has had two protests as long as I have been there, the others are party organizations and according to the sense that people have, that we are closer or we are further away from the possibility of obtaining victory, they come more or less. The first protest was that of chemical weapons and the second protest of students, there was an internal sensitivity that brought people and electrification that increased the number of people by the minute. In the second protest, another element of the students was that brought out the political elements”, said Rama.

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