Fredi Beleri sends a letter from prison to Vangjel Tavos, asking him to open a minority school in Himarë

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The former mayor of Himara, Fredi Beleri, has reacted again to the result of the elections held yesterday, where the socialist candidate Vangjel Tavo won against the opposition candidate, Petro Gjikuria.

With a post on social networks, Beleri says that this result confirmed that it is difficult for the people of a small country to face the machinery of an entire state.

In his writing, Beleri addressed a request to the new mayor of Himara, Vangjel Tavos.

The former mayor asks him to build a minority secondary school in the city of Himara, so that the children do not leave the country.

Fredi Beller’s full post:

The result of yesterday’s elections leaves a bitter taste, because it seems to do injustice to the battle that we Himariots have been doing all these years to take back the destiny of our country.

But it is not so. On the contrary! Yesterday’s result confirms once again that it is difficult for the people of a small country to face the machinery of an entire state, where the prime minister himself lynches and divides with the force of unchecked power.

The fact that we still had the support of those citizens who trusted us fifteen months ago, despite my illegal imprisonment and blackmail tactics, despite the transfer of socialist party voters, despite changing the rules so that many of our countrymen could not vote, and so on along with many other small and big things, it shows that the Himariots do not give up and will continue to fight. After all, this is the tradition of our country and we will remain loyal to it.

I want to thank and express my pride in the contribution of each of you who participated in this battle, even though the outcome was predetermined. I would especially like to thank Petro Gjikuri, who did not hesitate to leave America and come to give his contribution to Himara.

Today a new reality has arisen, but we are used to walking in difficult monopathies. Himara, in its history, has faced existential threats much greater than the threats of Mr. Rama and his associates. And we are still here, preserving our identity, language and culture. With a thousand and one difficulties we have managed to prevent the complete alienation of our population and protect our assets against organized crime, state negligence and nationalistic obsessions.

But all this would have no meaning without our people. We must keep the youth in our country and Himara Municipality reach a high economic level by utilizing the huge capital of our natural wealth, with sustainable policies for the development of local production and tourism. In short, we need the establishment of a minority secondary school, something we have been asking for for three decades, so that our children are not uprooted from their roots, the establishment of a tourism technical school in Himare and sustainable and intensive investment in low, which will coexist and complement each other with local small family businesses. And, almost thirty-five years after the fall of communism in Albania, finally, we demand the return of the property titles to the rightful owners.

This will be our compass until the next elections and the measure that will determine our attitude towards Vangjel Tavos. Whatever is good for the country, we will support it. At the end of the day, we will treat him as a guest, because just as he came, he will leave in the next elections.

I will continue to fight, not only from Brussels and Athens, but primarily from my country, Himara. And I’m sure it’s only a matter of time before we change the page of history, as we did in May 2023, before the victory was stolen from us.

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