Gladys Nano wins the trial. He was fired without reason, compensation 5 years director’s salary

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Gladis Nano has won the first battle with the Council of Ministers. The Administrative Court of the First Instance gave him the right, considering his dismissal in August 2022 as illegal and forcing the government to pay him the salary of the director general of the State Police for five years, as long as the mandate of appointment to this post.

Nano was appointed head of the State Police in October 2021. Before the year was over, he was dismissed by order of the Minister of the Interior at that time, Bledi Çuçi. His dismissal also caused international reaction.

Çuçi argued the dismissal with the poor performance of the state police. Gladis Nano turned to the court, where in addition to the salary request, there was also the return to duty. The court gave him the right to unjustified dismissal and compensated him with five years’ salary as general police director, but without returning him to the ranks of the blue uniforms.

The court says in the decision that the evaluation of the performance by the Ministry of Interior for Gladis Nano for only three months in office, at a time when he has been in the position of director for ten months, is wrong.

The administration says that the government has unlimited discretion in the appointment of the General Director of the State Police, but it does not have this discretion for dismissal, as the law clearly states that the dismissal of the General Director of the State Police can only be done in two cases: when he is punished by a final court decision for committing a criminal offense or strategic objectives are not met due to his low performance.

For this reason, the Administration decides to consider the dismissal illegal and give Nano the right to receive salaries for the five years. The decision is not final and it has been appealed by the State Bar.

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