The new political grouping, does Alibeaj aim for leadership? The door is open for Basha, distance from Berisha

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Three days after publicly announcing the creation of the new parliamentary grouping, Enkelej Alibeaj confessed in the Diary with Bruna Çifligu on A2 CNN, the philosophy that supports the new political formation, as he called it, and how it will work. According to him, support for justice, maintaining healthy relations with international partners, open lists and no connection with Rama’s SP and Berisha’s PD are the model on which this formation will be supported, which as Alibeaj pointed out in A2, in addition to these deputies, others are expected to join them.

“It is the structuring of individual attitudes that brings some effects; the first is the stay in the parliament. To distinguish it from another segment of the opposition, which is Berisha’s, which has its own trajectory and political theses. To make another grouping within the parliament. The second element; DP in these years has created a great distance with the internationals, so it was necessary to create this group in order to find the relations that the oppositions should have with the internationals. The third; to set the example that in the upcoming elections what is necessary is to have its own representation, which means that each of the groups can gather in an electoral group that part of society that is rejecting the other two”.

But how will this new grouping work, Alibeaj again listed the unified positions on essential issues, but also extra-parliamentary initiatives.

“There are two directions; one inside the parliament. Today we are 5 MPs. I hope that in time others will join. We have signals, but not all MPs have the courage to undertake this act. Shehi and Jakupllari are in another parliamentary group. Believe me there are others, we are united by the fact that for some essential issues; supporting the justice of SPAK, maintaining healthy relations with partners and thirdly; to accept and do what is possible to make the open lists effective.

We have decided to have them unified with positions made public. We also support extra-parliamentary initiatives such as the one that Shehi signed, the lawsuit in the Constitutional Court for changes to the Electoral Code, it has our support. Anyone who is in politics aspires to be present in the elections and the code defines it as a political party or coalition. As a legal ethnicity you cannot be illegal. Beyond this, a community of people who have shared their positions in these years and have faced strong political dilemmas and have maintained the same position in relation to internationals and what should happen in DP. These people should have political representation. I was and am for the creation of this political ethnicity that will happen”.

Asked if he aspires to be the head of this political ethnic group, Alibeaj answered that the main strength will be the membership and the main rule is the separation of powers. According to him, the party structure should be separated from the political leadership to protect right-wing values.

“What is the deformed party and political culture is considered the domain of the president who does not leave even in rain and good times. One of the innovations is that it will be a formation that will give real strength to the membership, decisions are not made by the presidents. Secondly, anyone who undertakes to lead a political formation sets electoral objectives for himself, and whoever does not achieve them is separated from that position without return. The main rule is that the division of powers within a party must be the same even in the party formation. Thirdly; the elections must be made by another body external to the conflict of interest.

An element of guarantee is needed; the leaders of our parties talk about freedom and respect, when the end comes, only they decide and stamp it. We need a body to protect the party organization, not to be in the hands of the president, the structures to be separated from the political direction. If you are a party with right-wing values, you must stick to those values ​​in order to make alliances with left-wing or half-left parties. There must be someone to protect these values. If there is a problem with democracy, it is the issue of the electoral system, but the essence is the lack of real democracy in political parties. It must be decided with guaranteed rules”, answered Alibeaj in A2.

Excluding the race with Berisha in the upcoming parliamentary elections, in the A2 studio, Alibeaj said that the main objective of his political grouping is to break the political system of Rama and Berisha.

“Our aim is to break the political system that Edi Rama has stuck with Sali Berisha. Being on a wavelength with the Albanian public, Albanians want a system and open lists, to give every Albanian the opportunity to punish this situation of the political spectrum with old formations. People are eager to punish corruption and uphold justice. Opening for new flows outside the parliament. It is the Albanians who will have the last word”, said Alibeaj on A2.

Unlike Berisha, Alibeaj left the door open to join his political group for Lulzim Basha, but only if he shares the same attitudes.

“We are neither a hermetic group nor a political whim, but an open one that fulfills these elements: support for justice, maintaining healthy relations with international partners and open lists, and we have nothing to do with Rama’s SP or Berisha’s DP. Anyone who appreciates, feels and has an obligation in this difficult moment to give their contribution, absolutely yes, not only for him but for anyone else who comes from the opposition”.

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