Habit Anila Hoxha: Two deputies were denounced by their wives for violence! Here’s what they said before the judge

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Journalist Anila Hoxha, invited to the show “Zone Zero” on Top News, mentioned the case of two Albanian MPs who were denounced by their wives for violence.

She quoted the judge Adriatik Boxhi whom she had invited to the Podcast, where she told him what the deputies told her when they confronted her.

Anila Hoxha: Judge Adriatik Boxhi, who deals with defense orders, told me on the Top Albania Podcast that “two deputies have come to me”. “The woman who had denounced the abuser came to me in the courtroom and he came without a trace of shame and told me I am a member of parliament.

Milaim Zeka: Beat the most polite woman.

Anila Hoxha: He was trying to use his position as a passport, so I am someone. The judge stated and continued with the reasoning “whatever you are here, you have no immunity, you have committed domestic violence”. The background was this, the MPs had not left the house, then I wondered who it was about. Both wives subsequently withdrew from the request for a protective order and the request was dismissed. This is a very big disaster. What I notice in the civil courts for the most part, in 80% of cases, women withdraw due to economic pressure, then the pressure of family opinion, etc.

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