Subashi: Fieri is like America, the city of dreams

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The Mayor of Fier, Armando Subashi, has compared the city he administers to the United States.

In a television interview, he said that Fieri is like a “little America”.

“Fieri is really the city of dreams, because if you look at the development that Fieri has undergone, not only these years of transition, but also in the other system and if you look at the great development that Fieri has really had, in this sense it can be a little America. If we say that in America whoever is good is given the opportunity to walk, progress, etc., the same thing happened in Fier. The composition of the population in Fier is from all over Albania and the fact that they have not only integrated, but also progressed, developed in all directions, so who comes to Fier and bases his success on his skills and work and talent, Fieri can fulfill the dreams he may have”, said Subashi.

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