Hajdari: Respect for Berisha, but we need another candidate for prime minister

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Yesterday, the Democratic Party held a meeting of the National Council of the DP. Former member of the Democratic Party Rudina Hajdari was part of the meeting.

Hajdari spoke before the members, where he said that when we are only nine months away from the 2025 elections, the future of the DP is important at this moment.

Among other things, the former deputy proposes that the Democratic Party enter the elections not with Berisha, but with another candidate for prime minister.

Part of Rudina Hajdari’s speech:

The pleasure of being together today. Tonight is a great victory for all the democrats. With the battle led by the DP leader Berisha, it became possible to unify and return the DP flag.

Thanks to the members and leaders of the DP who have waged a dignified fight for the DP.

I agree with every bullet point of the resolution.

We are nine months away from the next elections. I have tremendous respect for Sali Berisha as a politician. Mr. Berisha has fought an extraordinary battle for the PD and the country.

But it is important to discuss the future of DP.

We need to see a party for the future, maybe the next 15 years, that is not centered on just one person, but a group of people.

Mr. Berisha has done an extraordinary job.

I would propose that the Democratic Party enter the elections with another candidate for prime minister, not Mr. Berisha. The candidate for prime minister enters the race.

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