The father used to send cancer patients from QSUT to his clinic, the doctor’s daughter insults the commentators on social networks

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The daughter of doctor Edmond Gashi, who is under investigation by the Prosecutor’s Office of Tirana after being accused of sending cancer patients from the Oncology hospital to his private clinic “Megis”, has replicated and ironized citizens in comments on social networks.

While the commentators have reacted by expressing their indignation with comments related to the scandal at QSUT, Megi Gashi, the doctor’s daughter under “house arrest”, addressed him saying “you are eating our lives”.

“It’s very good that you are denigrating the pelvis”, writes a citizen, while Megi Gashi ironically says “what are you asking, your degeneration”.

While another “I don’t understand how people with so many years of schooling and degrees turn into Public Monsters, worse than Serial Killers”. The doctor’s daughter retorts: “Don’t watch movies as much as I love you.”

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