Ilir Meta: I will tell you how I will make Albania with 4 million plus inhabitants

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The President of the Freedom Party, Ilir Meta, presented the program of his political force for stopping the depopulation of the population.

Meta, referring to the United Nations Organization, said that the average birth rate per woman in Albanian families is at a frightening low.

“No country in the world, even those in war and civil conflicts, have experienced such a trauma of declining birth rates for women as Albania in these years. From 3.4 children per woman in 1980, the average birth rate in 2023 has shrunk to only 1.4 children per woman,” said Meta.

According to him, Albania from the second country, which was at the top of the list of European countries, is today in the 177th place in the world, out of 200 countries of the United Nations world classification.

“The Freedom Party has as its main objective Albania with 4 million Albanians plus”, he said.

He emphasized that the primary goal and the main priority of the Freedom Party in government will be to raise the standard of living of Albanians in the first mandate.

“Our objective is to increase the income level to 41-42%, as it is in some of the countries of our region, in Bosnia, Montenegro and Serbia. So 41-42% in relation to GDP”, he said.

Among the measures, Meta listed the doubling of salaries and pensions, the tripling of the baby bonus, the loan guarantee for young couples, in the amount of 20,000 euros, where the interest is paid by the state, etc.

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