Charlatan intellectuals who say monism is better than pluralism

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By Ylli Manjani

I read a letter online. Some (a lot of them) intellectuals want to shut the mouths of some “charlatans” who appear in the media and talk about non-scientific things.

Agree, charlatanism in the media, even more so in schools, should be banned.

I didn’t understand who exactly they were talking about (the old “intellectuals” thing), but a good part of those intellectuals who signed that letter are just as charlatans. Charlatans with science if you will.

Some of them argue “scientifically” that monism is better than pluralism; silencing the other is more efficient than public debate on arguments; criminal punishment without evidence that is criminalizing society has come out of hell; The emigration that is emptying the country is the best scientific solution for Albania’s future.

Not a few of them who have the habit of writing letters behind their backs (true proto-Indo-European Albanians), call espionage “citizen”.

Another part considers the Academy of Sciences to be reformed by putting a “political master” in charge, also in a scientific way.

They have the problem of the Albanian language, while the “scientific” fusion of the Institute of Albanianology must have been a magical solution, thanks to the government’s reforms!!!

Etc, etc, etc…

But intellectual is a big word, to be honest. We have stopped abusing this word. We associate it with a high school diploma. But this is another topic.

In general, I detest anyone who refuses to contribute to public life and seeks to silence others. This does not mean at all that those who speak are not charlatans, slanderers and hounds.

But the basic criterion that distinguishes an intellectual from a non-intellectual is the contribution to society.

And many of those in that paper fail this test. I even say that the whole list of “intellectuals” doesn’t even reach the elastic of Dua Lipa’s panties.

But I have a non-intellectual but real proposal:

Please the Ministry of Health to open as many psychiatric wards in hospitals as possible.

It’s really bad work.


Oh, I forgot, how about closing tiktok?

Maybe we will have another letter about this…

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