The former mayor of Shkodra, Bardh Spahia: Shkodra, don’t run away!

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The former democratic mayor of Shkodra, Bardh Spahia, has today called on his fellow citizens not to leave the country and not to leave it to “thieves and maskers”, as he says, but to react.

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Shkodra is the municipality with the largest number of emigrants during the criminal government of Edi Rama.

According to the latest census figures, over 33,000 people from Shkodra have left their homeland during the last 12 years of the rule of crime, theft, oppression and extreme impoverishment under the leadership of the criminal organization called Renaissance. Over 60,000 are those who left Shkodër district.

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My call to my fellow citizens and every Albanian is: don’t run away, don’t leave your country to the ancestors, thieves and masquerades, but let’s react.

I know it’s hard to be honest and face evil with dignity, but there is no other way.

Let our best values ​​be our compass in facing evil by uniting and relying on the strength that gives us the right and sense of civic responsibility to each of us.

Let’s face today those who are emptying Albania and stealing our future.

We must stand up and expel the causes of the destruction of our country and our society, so that we leave the inheritance of values ​​and not vices, of good and not evil, to future generations!

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