“I live every day with the suffering of patients”/ Doctor Edmond Gashi breaks the silence: I successfully performed 90% of the operations. We make mistakes too, but…

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While he has been under the storm of public indignation for days regarding his involvement in the scandal discovered at the Oncologist, given that his name is mentioned in the prosecutor’s file and he has been placed under house arrest, finally the doctor Edmond Gashi has broken the silence.

Last night, through a status on social networks, he expressed that as a doctor he is guided by the Oath of Hippocrates, “bragging” that 90 percent of the interventions performed by him have been successful.


I feel the obligation and moral responsibility before my family, patients, colleagues and medical staff of the Oncology Department, citizens of my country, to clarify some untruths promoted by anonymous portals and malicious journalists about my person.

I have said it before and I repeat it, as a doctor I am guided in my work by that oath that accompanies me from the first day that I put the white coat on my shoulders. The doctor does his duty, which is to treat and refer the patient for any case that presents itself for a health problem. The doctor does not know how to close the phone or the door of the consultation room. The doctor has no working hours, but he responds when the patient asks him to fight the disease together. As a surgeon, I have handled the largest number of surgical interventions in the public hospital and 90% of them are successful operations. The Oncologist and the QSUT have the data, verify them and convince yourself of any doubt.

I distance myself from any tendency to misuse my name for genuine occult interests.

Let’s leave it to the investigation to reveal the truth, my trust in the institutions has been and remains primary. It was not without reason that yesterday I arrived in front of the Court premises at the time determined by this Court, responding to the investigation and the institutions. Again I was attacked and attacked unfairly, why wasn’t the Police with me (?) I don’t know how to explain this. I respected the schedule and was there in response to the institution. At the end of the session, I left the Court premises anyway, and someone may not have liked why I chose the other door. I judged that it is more fair to avoid all those undeserved “balls of mud” that have been and are being launched at me. I respected the measure set by the Court. The police officer knocked on my door and I was in the apartment, it is easily verifiable. But as it seems, the media that slander and slander, do not care about the facts.

I waited for the senseless blabbering to a doctor, parent and family to stop, but no. I am convinced that it will not stop even after this moment that I am making the first public reaction.
Portals, media or journalists with real malicious goals and mission are trying to blackmail justice and turn it into a “mass” in their own hands, for the realization of what is easily understandable why they are doing it. They are trying to denigrate the figure of a doctor, a health professional who has been an open door for hundreds of patients and who has suffered the same pain as the patient. The health treatment of a patient in a private clinic is his choice and right. The doctor has the duty to answer the same, with the same commitment both in the state and in private. The law and the status of the doctor does not prevent a doctor from working in the state and in private. I feel sorry for this misunderstanding created and spread deliberately for the interests of who knows who.

I do not intend that, from these lines of clarifying writing, the mouths of the fans of swearing on the network will be shut up. Slanderers will continue to see black and white, sow fog, distort the truth. The intensity of insults can also be increased by the minds darkened and darkened by the pathological hatred that is coming at us as retribution for the “sins” and “crimes” not committed. As a human being, even the doctor is fallible. Fighting with the visible and invisible disease, with the wounds of suffering every day, with hundreds of patients, who see the only hope in the doctor, is not easy at all. Believe me! If it is treated correctly and there is a will to bring to the light of transparency what is not working at Oncology, let it be a comprehensive and complete investigation. I am not in the position of the accuser or the informant, it is up to justice to reveal the truth and in the end to do what it belongs to: Justice!

I take the opportunity to thank from the bottom of my heart the hundreds of patients who write to me every day in the name of my work and dedication as a doctor.

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