“There is a big popular clamor”, academician Fuga: SP will make a purge in its ranks

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Academician Artan Fuga sees the recent developments, with the arrest of Ilir Meta, Jurgis Çyrbje and the indictment of the other socialist MP Plarent Ndreca, as a failure of politics in Albania.

In the show Every Corner with Merita Haklajn, Fuga said that he sees a great popular outcry for the created situation, as he wished that justice would go to the end of these cases.

“We have many politicians who are accused of incrimination and what I think is that others have been denounced and accused not only by SPAK but also by KLSH for deficits, tenders that are in violation of the law. To create the idea that in 2024 at the highest levels of the state we have a political failure. This comes from politics. MPs accused, mayors accused. I experience this with despair. It has a huge popular appeal.

What must be done, beyond experiences, is that justice be impartial, fair and with evidence. I am not for the media to be an extension of the judicial files, this does not serve anyone. In all media we see truths, untruths, legends. This situation has been prepared by the political class and it has responsibility. The SP will purge the ranks of MPs, and this strategy is evident,” said Fuga on A2.

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