Opposition candidate for prime minister? This is how Jorida Tabaku answers

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The Deputy of the Democratic Party, Jorida Tabaku, invited to the show “This Week” by Nisida Tufa on News 24, was asked about the rumors that she may be a candidate for prime minister from the ranks of the opposition.

Excerpts from the conversation:

Tabaku: In June of last year, I resigned as vice-president of the Party from what was left and I gave it wholeheartedly and I made a proposal at that time for a group of people to take it over so that we go with an offer to the elections and after the elections, let’s think about the leadership of the party. Even today I think this. I resigned to show that position doesn’t matter. I didn’t resign half-heartedly, but I resigned with the idea that we should get away from personal interests. I do not believe that the Democratic Party is still in these discussions. Let’s give it time, time! We need to focus on people.

Tufa: It’s not a no!

Tabaku: I’m saying to give people time to discuss! I think that we should give time to people and I think that the Democratic Party needs everyone in the opposition.

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