Candidates for MP?! List of 36 names, Berisha appoints the working group that will lead the structures in Tirana for the 2025 elections

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After the lifting of the house arrest measure, the chairman of the Democratic Party, Sali Berisha, immediately returned to the headquarters and started gathering the structures to determine the opposition’s action.

No longer with online meetings, but with meetings in his office and calling party forums, Berisha is once again leading the largest opposition force towards the 2025 elections.

Two days ago, he gathered the chairmanship of the DP, where he also approved the establishment of the working group, a list of 36 people, who will prepare the structures in the Tirana branch.

Top Channel has ensured the decision of the presidency, where under the leadership of Belind Këllicci, the largest branch in the country will start work for the preparation of the campaign.

On the list are the deputies Albana Vokshi, Asllan Dogjani, Dhurata Çupi, Jorida Tabaku and Edi Paloka, the former chairmen of the CEC, Arben Ristani and Çlirim Gjata, democratic politicians from Tirana, Ilir Alimehmeti, Ilda Zhulali as well as the sons of two former ministers of important members of the DP, Andi Mustafaj, son of Besnik Mustafaj and Glauk Olldashi, son of Sokol Olldashi. A list that is as numerous as the list of candidates for Tirana in the elections!

Full working group list:

Adriana Tolka

Adriana Kalaja

Aida Shehu

Akil Kraja

Albana Vokshi

Amarda Zeqiri

Andi Mustafaj

Arben Ristani

Asllan Dogjani

Avenir Peka

Çlirim Gjata

Dhurata Çupi

Dorian Teliti

Edi Paloka

Edith Harxhi

Enkelejda Sallaku

Erges Eskiu

Ethem Aga

Faslli Goga

Fation Bathorja

Fjoralba Dizdari

Glauk Olldashi

Grigels Muçollari

Ibrahim Morina

Ilda Zhulali

Ilir Alimehmeti

Indrit Hoxha

Ines Nuria

Jonathan Pano

Jorida Tabaku

Keltis Kruja

Klevis Balliu

Lili Sulaj

Lisandër Hoxha

Mimoza Hajdarmatai

Mysylym Murrizi.

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