Macabre crime/ “He blackened us, he couldn’t live with that man” – Why did the 19-year-old take responsibility for her father’s murder? Hysen Meta confesses: I have no regrets!

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“He wanted to take it over because in some way he was the cause of the fight”, confessed 25-year-old Hysen Meta, after his 19-year-old sister Hygerta Meta declared to the police that she was the one who killed his father and then he was buried in the hut near the apartment in Shënavlash of Durrës.

Hysen Meta is known to have admitted to the police that he was the one who shot his father with a pistol, but he did not express remorse for the crime committed, saying that his father ruined his life.

“I take responsibility, I have no regrets. I only feel sorry for my sister and brother because they are not at fault at all”, he is reported to have said to the investigators.

25-year-old Hysen Meta has also shown the dynamics of the event, from the killing of his father at noon on February 10, to the reporting of his disappearance to the police on February 13, and then the discovery of Pëllumb Meta’s body buried in the hut on February 22.

“Yes, I shot him. We argued badly. Other family members were also at home. It was the 10th of February. The incident happened at noon. It wasn’t the first time we argued. There the cup was filled. When he left at work, we said to each other, he ruined our lives, you can’t live with this man. At noon on February 10, during the argument, I took the pistol and shot him several times. I don’t remember how many times I fired the gun. We were in the room, it was covered in blood.

Together with my sister and brother, we took the body, wrapped it in plastic so that it wouldn’t bleed. Then we opened the hole inside the hut so that no one would see us.

During the evening, we moved the body from the house to the hut, we covered it there. Then we planned what we would say to the police. After disappearing the body, we should disappear the car. We took the car two days later and took it somewhere near the Rinia sector. Then we came to the police. Then it is known, what happened that you also know, you discovered it.

His sister wanted to take over because she was somehow the cause of the fight. But the truth is what I say. I take responsibility, I have no regrets. I only feel sorry for my sister and brother because they are not at fault at all”, testified the 25-year-old.

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