“Prime ministers come and go, the party remains”, the messages of Arta Dade and Gramoz Ruçi on the 33rd anniversary of the SP

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Socialists celebrated yesterday the 33rd anniversary of the creation of the Socialist Party, which is also the longest-lived party in government.

Present at the party were members, deputies, ministers as well as Prime Minister Edi Rama himself, who did not stay long.

There were also some of the “old jackets” of the Socialist Party who over the years have given their contribution in various positions within the party.

Speaking to the journalist of Euronews Albania, Eksiola Shehu, Arta Dade gave her message saying that despite the years passing and people leaving, the Socialist Party is what remains and will remain regardless of the names in it.

“Happy party holiday. The party remains. Ministers, prime ministers, deputies, come and go, but the roots of the Albanian left and the European left remain in the Socialist Party”, said Arta Dade.

Gramoz Ruçi said that he feels satisfaction for the improvement that the Socialist Party has made all these years, as well as for the fact that there are only “new jackets” in it.

“We are pleased that in this 33rd anniversary, SP has grown by 33%. We are pleased that the SP is completely new jackets. Those who were not born 33 years ago are today MPs, ministers and deputy ministers”, said Gramoz Ruçi.

“Nothing is perfect, neither the socialist party nor the government, but what has been done is great. No matter how nihilistic you are, it’s hard to deny. The Socialist Party will do what was promised”, said Valentina Leskaj.

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