Prime Minister Rama: Reasons why entrepreneurs should invest in Albania

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Prime Minister Edi Rama participated in the Investment Summit for the Region, an event held in London. The head of the government gave an online speech, as he was not physically present, where, among other things, he gave the reasons why entrepreneurs should invest in Albania.

Rama also focused on the energy system, for which he said that in Albania the price has not changed, while the public debt – he emphasized – has dropped below 60%.

The head of the government said that Albania has changed a lot in the last 10 years, since ‘from a country with the stigma of an unsafe country, to a country that last year had a figure of 10 million tourists’.

“I am a veteran of these formats because I have been present since this format was born 10 years ago. In 10 years, many things have changed, except for the amount and color of my hair.

The region is changing, the world is changing, Albania has changed. From a country with the stigma of an unsafe country, to a country that last year saw a figure of 10 million tourists.

The difference before 10 years is that our resources are being diversified with solar energy and wind energy and our system that was ready to be destroyed because the majority of the population did not pay the bill, today we have a different picture.

The price of our energy has not changed at all and in trends we are below the levels of the region and our public debt has suffered a historic decline below 60% in 2023.

Together with other countries in the region, we are a good place to increase serious investments. To answer the question why investors should invest in Albania? A simple answer is: We have to because if they don’t do it, who else will do it”, said Rama.

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