Kulluri: The right-wingers in Albania are the only ones who will form a new party, Dash Shehi and someone else!

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Edvin Kulluri spoke on the Afternoon Diary on A2 CNN about the efforts to create a new right-wing party.

Kulluri said that a new statute is being finalized. He emphasized that it will not be a presidential party, but there will be debates and representation, while he said that the battle will start with the Electoral Code.

“After losing the trial on June 11 for the right to represent the Democratic Party, we as the official Democratic Party, as the media also call it, faced the choice of what to do. Should we continue that political project started on September 8 or should we continue to be part of this tug-of-war game that has been going on for years. We made the decision to continue on this path, to separate from that way of functioning of the DP to go towards the 2025 elections firmly and clearly, leaving no shadow of doubt not to interrupt that journey because of what happened with the trial. This is the right and just decision for several reasons.

If the signatures are collected, they will immediately go to the court to be registered. We are heading toward completion with an even better charter than the one passed last September. We do not aim for a party of the president, but to represent the main sensitizers, where there is as much collegiality as possible, as much debate and representation as possible, that’s why we start this battle with the Electoral Code”, said Kulluri.

Further, Kulluri also spoke about the Democratic Party, where he said that his political time is over and there is only a memory of what was left.

“We think that the political time of the Democratic Party is over. The Democratic Party is a party which is now a memory of what it was, nostalgia of what it was, which no longer represents values ​​for a long time. I have been able to advise the DP since 2017, but the right-wing electorate has not found itself in the DP for years. In this dilemma, we decided to continue the path we started. Anyone who sits at the doors of the courts or sits on Berisha’s lap can stay there.

From this entire spectrum of small parties, the only people who are clearly right-wing are us Dashamir Shehi and some other deputy”, said Kulluri.

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