When did Argita Malltezi enter politics? Sali Berisha’s daughter reveals the details

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In an interview with journalist Elona Meço on the show “Pa Censure”, the daughter of Sali Berisha, Argita Malltezi, left everything open regarding her involvement in the leadership structures of the Democratic Party or in its parliamentary group, running in the elections of next year.

“Until 8 months ago, you did not see me in the media talking about political issues. This has not been in my projects. Today I can’t tell you what tomorrow will bring and how I will react. Due to circumstances I have decided to give up the normal course of life and represent a cause. I will follow it to the end without any discussion, but I cannot predict if I will make a decision and when I will make a decision” – said Argita Malltezi.

What was clearly understood and what Argita Malltezi affirmed for the first time after the insistence of journalist Elona Meço was that everything depended on the state of Sali Berisha’s arrest.

Part of Argita Malltez’s interview for the show “Pa Censure”, on RTSH.

Elona Meço: What are the circumstances that would force you to enter politics, for example, for Sali Berisha to remain in custody?

Argita Malltezi: I am not really able to answer this, because I said, it was not a plan that I would engage and do this interview or others like this before October 2023.

Elona Meço: In fact, lawyers always have several plans, except plan A.

Argita Malltezi: Yes, true, but they have them when they aim to achieve something. Active politics has never been my goal. And I didn’t have a project. Politics has always been an integral part of my life, a conditioning part of my life, but not political engagement as a profession. But having said that, I still want to repeat, even though you call it a cliché phrase, but it is not so, so if I decide to do it, I will do it according to the DP procedures, according to the DP statute and always with the full consciousness that the legacy of Sali Berisha is not a family legacy, it is the legacy of people who have contributed to the DP for 32 years and supported Berisha, the efforts of the DP in the government and in the opposition during these 32 years.

Elona Meço: When you say “if I decide I will do it”, you are talking about becoming part of the parliamentary group as a way to enter politics, to lead the party or to participate in the leadership structures of the DP ?

Argita Malltezi: If there is a need, I will be anxious according to the needs that will be created. I can’t say anything else because, really, it’s not something I can predict.

Elona Meço: How long will we wait?

Argita Malltezi: I hope that things will go back to normal and I will resume my normal life, what I had planned and I had planned many things actually. Politics was not one of them. If it happens that I don’t get back on track quickly, I’m here, we’ll talk again.

Elona Meço: So Sali Berisha should be released from house arrest, so that you can return to your normal course?

Argita Malltezi: Yes, I believe so.

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