“Who the hell did it to us”, revealed the wiretapping of former MP Arben Ndoka with his son-in-law! The plan to kill Durim Bami!

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Three days after SPAK’s operation with 50 arrest warrants, parts of the investigative file were revealed, implicating various people, including former officials.

In the secured file, the wiretapping of the former deputy of SP, Arben Ndoka, who discusses with his son-in-law, Arjan Tuku about the murder of Durim Bami, has been disclosed. Likewise, the former SP deputy also discusses with another, unidentified person.

Excerpt from the file

On 06.04.2020, citizen Arben Ndoka communicates with citizen Arian Tuku where it is suspected that they communicate in connection with the organization of the murder of citizen Durim Bami, using the method of switching with another person whom they address as “Daja”.

Arian Tuku writes to him, I’m trying to be a stylish prankster with my uncle who gave him the “dog” and called me Durin al. But I’m slowly getting better, I’m changing. That my uncle has met Duri 2-3 times and he has been honored, uncle Durit. Arben writes to him, … what does uncle say, Bardhi? Arjani writes to him that… Some people from Shkodran owe Duri one lek in cash, and his uncle took them on the phone and they gave Duri a loan. Now I have continued with style as they said, one word today, one word for 3 days. Or maybe they also gave Bardhok a package, both 60.

On 07.04.2020, the citizen Arben Ndoka communicates with the unidentified user and they discuss the citizen Durim Bami whom they suspect as being involved in the murder of the citizen Aleksandër Ndoka.

The unidentified user writes, …I know he said that I do you, when will you two dum me ba be, who the hell did it to us, who is he who continues to confuse us day by day. If he did, neither did Duri. Why did they have to fight with them, who did it and why did they do it? Arbeni Ndoka says,…These are all you said, brother. Kahu kun ba and Milit kto. They told him to do this, and when he took Strafugen (Enver Stafuka) hostage, he took Mili out or something. I have to go with you, I understand. I say that I have a person who gave me information so that we can visit him.

Arben Ndoka continues to tell him that he knows about the location of Durim Bami and that he has made a plan, but I will tell him as soon as they meet.

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