“The Assembly is not the arena of unbridled speech”, Spiropali appeals to the opposition: Look beyond the windows and bars

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The Minister for Parliament Elisa Spiropali, on the International Day of Parliamentarianism, called on the opposition to participate in the Special Anticorruption Commission, while stressing that the Assembly is not the arena of unbridled speech.

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Today, on the International Day of Parliamentarianism, I wish to learn from history.

She has proved to us that the strongest and longest debates are those with the most chosen words, that the Assembly is not the arena of unbridled speech, but the rein of any kind of abuse of speech, that being a representative of your people is not only a duty party, but above all a task for Albania, and that the legislative, monitoring and supervisory functions of the Assembly are not words of mouth, but tasks that take on value only when they aim at the truth.

Albania2030 in the European Union is not an electoral slogan, but a fully feasible national commitment.

I wish that the opposition understands and internalizes its importance by looking beyond the barred windows that prevent it from looking at wider horizons and joins us in the Special Commission for Deepening Reforms for Good Governance, Rule of Law, Anticorruption and in the Commission for Disinformation, proving responsibility and maturity on the eve of closing the parliamentary session.

The next session, one step closer to the elections, I hope will not increase the heat, but the quality of the work of our joint Assembly.

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