“Sad news, but inevitable”/ Meta’s lawyer tells what is happening between the head of PL and Kryemadhi

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Ilir Meta’s lawyer, Genc Gjokutaj, announces that he submitted his client’s request to the court, with the object of dissolving the marriage with Monika Kryemadhi.

Through a statement to the media yesterday, Gjokutaj considers the news of the separation of the couple sad and says that this case belongs only to the Meta family and cannot be turned into a political business.

“This news is unwanted and sad for everyone, but as it seems inevitable! Based on the reaction of the media and beyond, I am convinced that this event cannot and cannot be turned into political business or derogatory consumption for anyone! This is a matter between God Ilir, Mrs. Monika, their children and God”, writes lawyer Gjokutaj.

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