Issued fictitious invoices in a wholesale business in order to benefit from VAT, two people were arrested

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Two citizens have been detained by the police in Elbasan, after they were wanted last year, with accusations that they issued fictitious invoices in a business for the wholesale sale of metals, in order to benefit from VAT.

In November 2023, the Elbasan Police cracked down on this criminal activity and arrested the business administrator.


DVP Elbasan

Prohibition orders are executed for 2 citizens who are accused of having issued invoices with fictitious values, in a business for the wholesale sale of metals, in order to benefit from VAT.

In November 2023, the Elbasan Police cracked down on this criminal activity and arrested the business administrator.

Specialists of the Section for the Investigation of Economic and Financial Crimes of DVP Elbasan executed orders for the arrest of the wanted citizens S. Xh., 38 years old and J. K., 46 years old, both residents of Tirana.

They are accused of the criminal offenses of “Creation of fraudulent schemes related to value added tax” and “Concealment of income”, as it is suspected that in cooperation with other citizens, through a business for the wholesale sale of metals, they issued invoices for goods , with fictitious values, to deceive regarding VAT, with the aim of economic benefit. In November 2023, the business administrator, citizen A. P., 62 years old, resident in Tirana, was arrested for this case.

The procedural materials were passed to the Prosecution at the Court of First Instance of Elbasan General Jurisdiction, for further actions.

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