Letter to Edi Rama about ‘Zarbo’ Niko Peleshi!

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By Agron Gjekmarkaj

Letter to Edi Rama about ‘Zarbo’ Niko Peleshi!

It is not in my nature to insult and use derogatory epithets, for tendencies to humiliate the opposition at its institutional core, causes the resistance to fall.

Today, a NATO air base was inaugurated in Kuçovo, and this is a marked event for Albania and its security, and even for the region if we want.

The Democratic Party, since its establishment, has aspired to Albania’s membership in NATO, when the APS opposed it, as did its daughter the APS.

Luck, work and insistence made it possible for the DP government to join our country in this great alliance of Western civilization, marking the future of our homeland.

The Opposition MPs in the Security Committee were invited to participate in the ceremony but surprisingly when they went there they had no place to sit. The answer was: We thought you wouldn’t come, so we didn’t leave a chair for you to sit on.

Ermonela Felaj, with the same status as Agron Gjekmarkaj, “where more favorable and pro-NATO” than the gentleman in question, the same as the Deputy Speaker of the Assembly, is invited, sits down and smiles sweetly.

Opposition MPs on foot at the NATO base, Gjunkshi: There was no invitation. Kolcaku: They did not confirm
I have nothing personal here, but the relationship that the government has with the opposition is irritating in its organic disdain. Not inviting is more noble than the protocol of being slaughtered often, but inviting and mocking, leaving him without a place is petty and a denial of every custom and tradition in every part of Albania.

A defense minister, ignorant in every point of view, servile in every judgement, sarcastic in behavior insults the Opposition.

The Prime Minister was the one who would speak and we would listen, he lost a democratic decorum that he would have liked to sell. In the end he lost more than us. The opposition did not go there for Edi Rama, but it was up to him to be there.

But they don’t even care about that! An attempt was made to steal history and build a new one, with no memory like the used computers Zarboja used to sell.

Every Albanian remembers that, when the agreement of the Association of Srabilization was signed, the representatives of the socialist opposition were there, when President Bush came to Tirana, the Chairman of the Socialist Parliamentary Group was waiting, when we joined NATO at the Bucharest Summit, his representatives were there.

With “zarbo” whims are fulfilled, services are performed, politics is dirty, Albania is reduced, but history is lurking, following you and leaving its mark.

At least don’t make “zarbo” apologize, let him think that he did a good job as a lackey. The protocol is not like watching a cup with Sofka!

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