Full letter/ The businessman denounces Eni Çoban: He attacked my business because I did not go to the televised trial

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Julian Hupi, a businessman from Bulqiza who owns the agrotourism known as Kulla Hupi, has denounced Eni Çoban, claiming that his business has been unfairly attacked through the show “Shihemi ne Gjyq”.

Hupi says that he was attacked by Mrs. Çobani through her show, after he refused to be part of it.

In a long status on his Facebook profile where he tells the full story, the businessman says that it is terrible that a man who has a television space at his disposal “uses it as a war tower, attacks, slanders, denigrates with a lot of passion for someone who dared to refuse the invitation to participate in her media show”.

The full letter of businessman Julian Hupi:

An explanation for the attacks of Eni Çobani, which I did not go to the televised trial!

Dear friends, you who know me and don’t know me, you who have visited the hostel in our tower or not. I want to share a concern with you today.

I was shocked when I heard an attack on my family business by Eni Çobani, who makes a program on Klan Television on Sunday. He had tried me in absentia. He didn’t leave an accusation undone, until the end he accused me of violating the Commercial Law and the Criminal Code.

A fellow villager and distant cousin sued me in Eni’s trial, as to why I call my business in public promotion “Kulla Hupi”. The reason is because his family also inherits an old building, Sulejman (Sul) Hup’s Tower, which is a Cultural Monument, since 1979. In the register of cultural monuments of Dibër district, it is registered as: “SUL HUP’S DWELLING IN SHOWER VILLAGE”

I too have inherited from my ancestors an old building, at least 200 years old, a stone tower. After many years of work in emigration, I returned to my village in Lepurak-Dushaj, Bulqiza and converted the part of my tower into a guesthouse. This is where the “war” begins.

My fellow villager goes to Eni’s trial and Eni invites me to come out “to clarify this matter” in the studio, on Sunday on Klan TV. I met him politely and told him that I don’t want to be part of these things, if there are problems, there are courts that solve these matters.

She again asked me to participate in her trial, telling me that “Gentiani – my fellow villager – will continue and the invitation for you is open again”. I ended the communication by saying that I wish Gentian good work, restore the building he inherited, make it even better than mine and make him happy.

I simply told him, if you attack my business, I will sue you. And this lady calls it a threat. Because you can say whatever you want on television, while when we who work 18 hours a day, when we try to defend ourselves, it is called a threat.

Since I refused the televised trial, I found myself under an aggressive monologue of the lady, addressing the camera in an unprecedented way: “Albanians, this is not Kulla Hupi. Julian Hupi has violated the law, he has violated the Commercial Law and the Criminal Code”.

Terrible! How is it possible for a person who has a television space at his disposal to use it as a war tower, to attack, slander, denigrate with great passion someone who dared to refuse the invitation to participate in her media show.

My name is Julian Hupi, so my last name is HUPI. I inherited a tower, an old stone house, with a certificate of ownership and three stories, and even a room called the war room, with turrets where the men fought when the tower was attacked. Even my great-grandfather, great-grandfather, grandfather, father and I bear the surname HUPI.

As a result, it continues to be called the Hupi Tower even today. Even before I made the inn a tower, I called it a tower, because we highlanders call houses towers. You accuse me on television of violating commercial law. My trade name is “Julian HUPI P.F”. There is no other entity with this name. You ask me why I call my tower “HUPI Tower”.

What should I call it, Shepherd’s Tower? Or don’t call it a tower at all, call it a supermarket? Or PUB, disco, what do you think lady? At that time, madam, every stone house was in the shape of a tower, because we were protected both from the Serbs and from each other. We have made peace with the Serbs in the meantime, but still with each other. There are dozens of towers in the village, the Curri Tower, the Chess Tower, the Karaj Tower… etc. etc. There is no certificate as to which building is called the lady tower.

My cousin’s fellow villager’s tower is also a cultural monument and that’s the difference. I would be pleased if it also served the tourism of our poor area. I did not get this status. I’m even happy that I don’t have a cultural monument, since interfering with a cultural monument is an odyssey in itself.

However, if my fellow villager turns to the state court, I will respond to her invitation very correctly. I solve problems in the state court and I only know that court. If you make a TV SHOW, I’m not cut out for this kind of production, I’m sorry. My family and I work from 5 in the morning until 12 at night. So together we will face the real trial, not yours.

Having a television space available is not a favor for you to use it to attack others, regardless of the reasons. Television is power and the one who owns that power must show responsibility in the way he uses it.

You know that story about the two peasants who were returning home with no cash in their pockets when they found the bottle with the Genie inside.

– Get me out of here, I will fulfill any wish you have – he told them.
The first asked for a cow.
-What about you – he addressed the second – what do you want whom?
– Taking the cows to this one.

I can understand my husband from this point of view, but what do you have to do with my cow, which I bought with sweat and blood money and now that I have started milking it, you hit me with stones from your television tower.

I don’t have the power of a television. I run a family business. But I ask for your help to spread this reaction, to tell all those who have frequented our hostel, Our Tower, or those who have simply heard the attacks made against me, that I am a man whose only rights I have violated in this world are those of my family, who do not know either Saturday or Sunday..!

And we will publish all the threats that come from social networks in the future!

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