The list of candidates for the 2025 elections, the analyst makes the prediction: Below the line will be these ‘heavyweights. They will enter as purgatory and will come out as…!

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Analyst Lorenc Vangjeli has made a prediction for the lists of candidates for deputies for the 2025 elections.

Invited to the show “Log” on News24, he said that “we will have the second or third echelon of the DP who was defeated by 1 million votes and today came out on top”.

Meanwhile, regarding the SP lists, Vangjeli said that the closed lists will be young and new, while “below the line will be the heavyweights, some of whom will fight each other, some of whom will be removed by Rama”.

Lorenc Vangjeli: Do you know what will happen in the spring of next year? We will have the second or third candidate of the DP who was defeated by 1 million votes, since today he came first. In the PS we will have part of the closed list a group of oil men and boys educated abroad who speak English, but who will not be recognized even on the streets of Tirana, but who you will have nothing to curse at them.

Below the visa will be these heavyweights who, with the money earned during power with connections and extra-territorial factors, will clash with each other, some will fall, some will leave Rama and will appear in the 2025 elections as if he had entered into purgatory and emerge as a new offering, while these still remain as those old black and white photos with scars.

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